Emma & Chris’s Sunflower Proposal/Engagement


You guys! Isn’t it every girl’s dream to have their spouse contact a photographer to capture their proposal?!

Emma had previously booked a photo session for her & Chris at Coppal House Farm’s Sunflower Festival. Two days before our session, Chris contacted me on facebook and asked me about proposing. Of course I was thrilled! We met at 7:30am on a Sunday morning (oooof) which was probably a blessing in disguise because we were able to beat the heat before it got too hot!

I kept trying to stall, taking way too many photos of the same few poses waiting for other patrons to move along and trying to hint to Chris that this was the spot that would work. Thankfully everything went so well & of course Emma said yes! <3

Thank you for including me Chris!



He even sent me a screen shot of their conversation about me “scheduling another session too close.”





Congratulations Emma & Chris!